Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 2009 stats

The end result for the month of December 2009 for page views, readership and ratios on ffn are as follows:
  • Top 10er (Dec 2009):
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. Australia
    4. Canada
    5. Romania
    6. Brazil
    7. Philippines
    8. Italy
    9. Germany
    10. Spain

    It took 29 page views (or reading ½ MSR) to make the top 10 list this month.

  • Holy Crow (double-digit ratio): Romania

  • Improved (ratio): USA, UK, Australia, Sweden, Brazil, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Philippines

  • Up, Up, and Away (improved ratio twice or more): UK(x6), Australia(x4), USA(x3), New Zealand, Brazil, Sweden, Canada(x2), Philippines

  • Reversi (reversed a downward ratio direction to an upward one): Australia(x4), UK, Brazil, USA(x2)

  • Kicking Butt (4.0 ratio or higher): UK, Tanzania, Romania, Spain, Puerto Rico

  • Player (show up on the top 10 list during the month): Australia, USA, UK, Hungary, Germany,Israel, Hong Kong, France, Greece, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Italy, Tanzania, New Zealand, Romania, Puerto Rico, Philippines

    Yes, Australia held the number 1 slot at the beginning of the month.

  • Comeback Kid (got knocked off the list, but then made it back on): France, Italy, New Zealand, Germany, Spain

  • Golden (50 or more page views): USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Romania, Brazil, Philippines

There were 3497 page views with a total of 1231 readers for this month. Good show everyone and every country! Thank you for your interest in my stories.

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