Monday, November 30, 2009

November 2009 stats

So, I'm moving all this to a spreadsheet, so I won't be showing the numbers here any more. The end result for the month of November 2009 for page views on ffn are as follows:
  • Top 10er (Nov 2009)
    1. USA
    2. Australia
    3. UK
    4. Canada
    5. Ireland
    6. Germany
    7. South Korea
    8. Brazil
    9. Singapore
    10. Italy

  • Holy Crow: South Korea (double digit page-view-to-readership ratio)

  • Improved: UK, Ireland, Germany (improved ratio)
    Germany rallied at the end of the month to edge South Korea out of the 6th place position

  • Reversi: Canada (reversed a downward ratio trend to an upward one)

  • Kicking butt: South Korea, Australia, Ireland (4.0 or more page-views to readership ratio)

  • Player: USA, Australia, UK, Canada, Ireland, South Korea, Germany, Brazil, Singapore, Sweden, Poland, Italy (shows up on the top 10 any time during the month)

  • Comeback Kid: Italy (Got knocked off the list, but then returned)

There were a total of 4,057 page views from 1,475 visitors for the month of November, 2009. This was the most-read/most-readers month my stories have seen, so far, nearly doubling the second-place month both in pages viewed and readers.

So, thank you. I thank each and every one of you for reading my stories. Remember to review, too, please.

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